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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Jagdeo & Ramotar fellas

Councie, Kwame, Rev and Ewe-gee

need to come clean


They keep switching positions

Like Councie & Kwame doing here


Poor observer aint seeing

wha really going on...


He can easily be caught eating too...

not knowing what ee eating....


Rev posing as a Decent Man

Who Vex ....Vex


Rev admit Jagdeo & Ramotar thiefing

 like dem PNC Bhai under Burnham & Hoyte

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee say Jagdeo & Ramotar don't thief


Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Rev say all them minister is thiefman

and they should be jailed

Who Vex ....Vex


Ewe-gee saying

"De current minsta's ...dem is not thiefman"

only thiefman minister eee know bout

"is De Past minista's under PNC"

and down de road....

"De Future AFC minista's"

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.



Rev painting PNC as Bad

and Ramotar & Jagdeo Stink

but nat as bad as PNC

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


Ewe-gee on the Other Hand

Painting a different Picture of Guyana Govt

According to ewe-gee....

Burnhan & PNC is Rotten

Jagan ....fair to average

Jagdeo & de Best

and AFC is de worst...


All Dem Donkey know AFC not in Govt

and AFC cannot thief State money...


But as mitwa and redux would say

 this one Jackass in de World think different


Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex

Ewe-gee is eee Brother...Dem is de same


These Donkey den decide to

label all Indians who support


"Dutty Indians"


Now Rev....the same fella

who was posing as a decent....Man

Start sucking everything

flowing from the ass

Ewegee and "Rev De Side Kick"

Now Braying..... Moses, Ramjattan, Ralph,

Ramphal, Insanally, Sahabadeen,

Luchoo, Ramsahoy, Kenard,

Beharry, Tulsie, Mazharally,

Roopnarine, Kissoon, Goolsarran, Ram

 Boyo, O'lal, Fazal ........

and the thousands who follow them

are all "Dutty Indians"

Ewe-gee & Rev ........singing "Dutty Indians"

Two disgraceful $hit-face.


Now when we point out if you can call Indians

who refuse to Support Jagdeo & Ramotar

"Dutty Indians"

others.... on GNI must be free to call "De Black Thugs"

who now working for and Supporting Jagdeo & Ramotar

"PPP Black House of Isreal Hindus"

Both Donkey start cry and run complaining.....



The Laws of Guyana states

Buggering is a Crime

and when caught you must face Death....

When we on GNI say

Councie, Kwame, Bharat & Manny

Break the Laws of Guyana....

REV say ....them is Nasty Dutty Lowlife

and as the law say...they should be Hanged

Ewe-gee start cry fuh Kwame'

and eee shame fuh mention Bharat Name....

But eee crying non stop....

Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.


When we explain on GNI

Muslims  and Islam against

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


Dem try fuh tell us that....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

will tolerate and accept 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..


When we ask them about

the Black House of Israel Thugs

now with Ramotar & Jagdeo in

Office of the President & Freedom House...

Rev & Ewe-gee say

De PPP Hindu's like and accept them....


Dem two tell us on GNI....

No Problem....

All dem PPP Hindus following Jagdeo & Ramotar

 tolerate, accept, practice & Love 

Buggery, Vulgarity, Indecency, Lawlessness & Corruption..



So our Question

to Rev and Eve-gee here and now on GNI

is if what they say is true

about The PPP Hindus love and Relationship

with The Black House of Isreal Thugs....

Why are you upset......when we say.....

"All Black House of Israel Thugs......

are now PPP Hindus"



Ewe gee claiming.....Rev.... mek mistake.

Rev say......Who Vex ....Vex


As Mitwa & Rudux would say

Dem two Jack-ass

need fuh stop being $upper $uckers

Stop eating from the other BT

come with a clean face


and tell abee about dem

"Dutty Black PPP House of Isreal Hindus"

after we understand that....

we can discuss anything........


Come on ....Don't be shame

