Dem boys seh…Ramroop and Jagdeo
mooma lef state property fuh dem
Ramroop and Jagdeo playing bareface bully but dem boys know that dem ain’t no bully. Dem is nutten but damn crooks of de highest order. Dem tekking state assets left, right and centre. Top and bottom too. And when dem ain’t get through wid some of dem crookishness, dem quick fuh holler how dem pulling out because of confidentiality. That is a word that Brazzy, that odda fat crook, mek fuh dem. Imagine dem set about fuh thief de GCC and de GFC ground and tell de people shuu, shuu—Wha that mean? De people of this country shouldn’t know nutten about dem own property. That is exactly wha dem crooks mean. Is like dem mooma alone lef state property in dem will fuh dem. Dem boys can’t help but saying dem crooks eyes pass this nation. Last week dem boys ask de nation nah ask wha dem got dem hand in, ask wha dem nah GOT dem hand in. This week it gone beyond that. Is nah wha dem secretly snatch; is wha more dem want fuh snatch. Dem boys seh that dem suh bareface that dem don’t care who talk bout wha dem tekking. AND poor Donald, dem crooks nah seh nutten nice bout he. In fact dem seh how he is a so and so (and that is de nice word fuh describe a good human being like Uncle Donald). Dem cuss Granger. Dem seh that he does tek bribe and how dem got he in dem front, back and side pocket. As fuh Prak, dem seh that dem nah worry bout he, that he don’t see and hear good. But dem boys got a message fuh Donald, Granger and Prak. When a bully mash you toe, you stay quite; he stamp you foot, you tun you face; he kick you and you know wheh, you fall and you still nah seh nutten. De next day he gun kill you. Well if none of dem politician can’t help this country dem boys begging Uncle Sam, especially Brent de Hardt man. Dem boys know that he got a good heart and he come from good stock. And he got good eyes, better that Prak. He seeing everything. De last time he talk bout de radio and nutten ain’t change. Dem boys looking forward fuh he to act. Monitor dem and let de world ketch dem wid de millions that dem got here, there and everywhere. Is some of that same millions that Ramroop spending all about. He was trying fuh buy GCC and GFC wid US$30 million. Dem boys could only match that wid Guyana dollar. Talk half and beg dem mooma fuh lef something fuh Guyana.