Guyana most corrupt country in
English-speaking Caribbean
Another racket looms
Dear Editor,
Is there anything that the PPP can do without committing racketeering? Skeldon Factory—fraud; Kingston Hotel — fraud, Fip vis a vis the Amaila Road – fraud; Specialty Hospital – fraud; procurement of medical supplies — fraud and now the alleged investment by Minister Webster’s daughter into a Ghost recycling Company called Natural Globe, Inc.
We have been reliably informed that its CEO, Mohamed Osman has embellished his qualifications and work experience in order to get the contract. This is another major failure at due diligence by Roger Luncheon and his corrupt PPP cabal.
Like Fip Motilall who did not have any experience in road building but was given a US$15 million to build the Amalia Falls road, the same is true for Mohamed Osman who has no experience in the technical aspects of recycling. We have also been reliably informed that Mohamed Osman and some of his friends in Toronto were a major contributor to the PPP in the 2011 elections.
So what Roger Luncheon and his crooked friends at the Robb Street big house have done is to pay back their friend with a huge contract at the expense of the poor and the working class. This is a blatant form of corruption and we call on all the members of the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and the ambassadors of the American, Canadian and European embassies to publicly condemn the PPP for this nefarious act.
They have been notorious for pressuring the opposition to vote for the Anti-money Laundering Bill but not for the Procurement Commission, now we want to hear from them on behalf of the people, especially the taxpayers who have to foot the bill.
Can the PPP regime give the people a break and stop plundering the pockets of the taxpayers of Guyana for personal enrichment. Shame on the regime!
Now we are reading about this Ghost waste recycling plant that is being procured in the name of a company that the procurer does not even own and the real owner has labeled him a “liar” that no such company exists and this deal between the Government of Guyana and this phantom company owner is bad for the people of Guyana.
Plus there is the pricing. The experts say the price for a plant to service Guyana will cost the taxpayers US$5 million, while the PPP has signed a contract for US$30 million; another fraud. Who is getting the US$25 million.
To the sugar workers of Enmore, Rose Hall, Blairmont, Albion and all the other estates, are you prepared to work for the rest of your lives to pay taxes so that the PPP bigwigs can swindle this nation US$25 million? Well Mr. Austin from Rose Hall estate had the right answer – he asked what are we the workers going to do and his answer to his brothers on the picket line was he see “all of we (workers) will be hungry, and we will wuk’ hard until we dead out.”
It is time for a revolt against the PPP because the party members are just too greedy and crooked and do not care for the economic welfare of the poor and the working class.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S.Singh