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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Guyana is no different to the syndicate that runs North Korea. Nepotism and under the table deals are emptying the treasury and the resources of the country are being stolen and distributed among the elites.


Had I overseen this project, i would also keep all the documents hidden. This is one of the greatest frauds committed on the people of Guyana and not a single person was fired for this fiasco. Instead more money is being poured into this expanding sinkhole.





will be another bogus fraud that brazzy and his PPP has cooked up.

These shameless scandals will continue to ooze and the Guyanese people will continue to wince to the next election where they will be forced to vote conscience and get rid of them.




The EU should be DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY for our TAXED Euros. Itis heart breaking to see how many young couples have lost their homes because of the Euro crisis, how many taxpayers end up at the food banks and Salvation Army; while Europians are STARVING and HOMELESS EU is PUMPING our money in the Pockets of the Prominent Presumptuous Pirating /Cabal......I wonder if there is some form of CORRUPTION as that of the American visa scandal? KYAAN TRUSS NO-BADDY NOW-ah-DAYS!!!! I cannot imagine that with the Euro crisis, the Europian Union continues to PUMP money into a BOTTOMLESS PIT without ASKING QUESTIONS or HOLDING anyone RESPONSIBLE for Europian taxpayers money


Those document will have to be altered now that questions will be ask



Kaieteur_Canada caban


Or disappear altogeter like the 2000+ court files.



SN needs some big big excavators like KN to dig deep deep and they will find, evey Tom, Dick and Harryram digging now



I know it's hard for you. All the mess have you giddy .



Since Nov 2011 they digging and only KATAHAR they finding,EH HEy,,,



you damn right since 2011 the PPP digging their own grave and Aunty Dora find a lot more than Katahar.

De amalia falls skinup find nuff nuff skullduggery.

De thiefin at GPL is being skin up daily.

De thiefin at GuySuCo is being skin up daily

De Thiefin all ovah de country getting skin up.


Dugs yu shore yu aint gat dem PAY-pas dis?





The little red PPP COMMUNIST DICTATORS are doing the exact thing that the big red COMMUNIST REPRESSIVE dictators are doing in China.The irony though is that the PPP and their paid soupie Cuban educated blaggers have the timerity to use the word DEMOCRACY when referring to the the Marxist PPP.







they are a stupid bunch but not as stupid as we might want to believe!


all their wheelin'-and-dealin' is cloaked in secrecy and they expend a lot of energy covering their track. however, we will know sometime down the line if they did a good job or not.

All about thiefin

Thiefin is all about thiefin and mo thiefin and more thiefin.


Is that the reason why the President got "SICK?" and could not have attended the dinner at the Pegassus? I am so sorry for that man. Jag-D-oh Put-in Done-al pon share PUCK-ah-terry



Spending US 200,000,000 with out any proper documentation and boasting about being transparent, no wonder it had to be repaired and continue to be repaired at the taxpayers expense just after it was handed over, if any one buys an item for more than US $100.00 in most develop and developing countries they are offered warranty but spending US$ 200,000,000 has none.


Over here a fifteen euro telephone, water-cooker or a rice steamer for 20 euros has a guarantee for two years from any recognized shop. I hope that those who swollow from the cup that is FULL & RUNNING OVER with CORRUPTION will SOBER UP some day before the next election


naah, the soup drinkers turn out here to call everyone pncites if you criticize their honest and beloved government for things such as this!

i cannot think about where in the world such delusional people will come from except guyana.





either they darn well cannot run the country or they are very much a crafty and cunning bunch skimming off of the backs of the guynese people.

either ways they bode unwell for the country!


so the Guyanese taxpayers do not know who benefitted the most from this US$200 million scam! than you have the PPP sheeples chanting for the rat third term when in fact he is the de facto president, the duck is merely the sitting duck




The Lapdog members of Parliament are too weak to mount an inquiry into the Skeldon Taxpayer Funded Project!



Dem 2 WEAK or dem KOLLECK 2?

Ghost Contracts

Ghost Recycling Company, Now we gat Ghost contracts at GuySuCo.

Big important spend like that and the people of Guyana cannot see the contract what utter bulls--t is this SN?
