The PPP risks being labeled Guyana’s worst government
Dear Editor, At the risk of being labeled the worst PPP government in the political history of Guyana, we feel compelled to report that nearly everywhere in Guyana; people are voicing the strong feeling that the PPP is going to lose the next general election, come mid or late 2016. And we must say our first reaction to that is it would be a relief to the nation not to have to put up with the arrogant smirks we keep seeing on the faces of some Cabinet ministers who are clearly deluded into believing that they are in office for life. But clearly the writing is on the wall for this corrupt PPP regime and we have decided to let the cat out of the bag. The process that the people started in the 2011 election that led to a minority PPP government must be completed in the next election cycle by voting the PPP out of office. Of course, simply making such a prediction could very well have the effect of triggering a serious thought in convincing many now reluctant voters to come out and vote against this decadent PPP regime. The PPP can no doubt rely on its tribal base to come out in full support in the next general election but whether that will be enough to make the PPP victorious is doubtful. Their tribal base is dwindling due to overseas migration and others are marching toward the other parties. The youths are fed up with the propaganda, distortions and untruths by the do-nothing PPP cabal who seem to think that they can squander the taxpayers’ money at will on shady projects. For certain, the minority PPP regime record in Parliament since winning the November 2011 general election has been very bleak and not at all promising. They lost the Amalia Falls project followed by the loss of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill. Their frantic defense of both the Amalia Falls and the Anti-money Laundering Bill was highly suspicious, to say the least. Earlier in the year, they lost $30 billion from the budget as a result of their clownish debate in Parliament. The PPP is a very confused party and its leader’s sluggish pace and lack of administration skills have made it extremely difficult for the regime to get anything done in or out of Parliament. Mind you, in addition to those losses, it has become fairly obvious that public sentiment about the Government has taken a serious turn for the worst since the election as a result of the number of corrupt practices, armed robberies, slip-ups, faux pas, poor judgment, mal-administration, and sheer incompetence, all of which all adds up to bad governance. The most recent example stemmed from the fact that Dr. Roger Luncheon was forced to tell the nation that the Minister of Social Affairs lied about her daughter’s involvement with the GHOST recycling company, Natural Globe Inc. Another is the Minister of Agriculture saying that the 14 drainage pumps from India had arrived in Guyana and Dr. Luncheon immediately told the nation that is not true, the pumps have not arrived. The opposing public view is that the PPP cabal is now selling themselves as present-day Messiahs, able to rescue the poor and the working class from their present predicament, a predicament that they have fuelled throughout a well-orchestrated economic program for their rich friends and their media brainwashing, propaganda, distortions and untruths. They are trying to play the game differently but with the same players and although they believe that they are doing a brilliant public relations campaign, as a nation, the people will not tolerate another spell of their mismanagement of the economy, high crime rate and massive corrupt practices. Buckling under their own weight, the PPP regime has turned to its favorite bogus strategy of blaming the opposition for their failures especially the Minister of Legal Affairs blaming the opposition budget cuts for the meager 5% wage increase for the workers. They have also blamed the garbage pile-up in the city and the flooding on the budget cuts by the opposition. But the truth is, no one will believe their propaganda since they do not have the political will to do anything except to use the state resources to fatten their pockets and those of their relatives and friends. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh
Ignore this. This article is from 2 PPP haters.