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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Corruption has left our country among the poorest

December 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


DEAR EDITOR, The impending economic and political crisis in Guyana is not an accident; it was caused by an out of control and corrupt, political Stalinist oligarchy that controls the ruling party. Since November 2011, the failure of the minority PPP regime to accept that they continue to bleed politically, has led to a series of desperate acts of political bullyism, spiteful actions and the reckless squandering of taxpayers’ money, that have exacerbated the financial hardship of the masses. The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has and continues to close deals, using the resources of the people like if they are running a cake shop. Why is the PPP playing politics with the lives of hard working Guyanese? Why is the PPP offering these workers slave-like wages as if they are plantation workers? We have concluded that the cabal is only concerned with their own well-being. Each day brings another damaging corrupt scandal from controversial back-room deals that will never stand the scrutiny of any proper procurement process.  If one is to observe all the PPP-led deals they have common traits – no competition, a family member or a friend of the party gets the deal, and a one-man operation sits somewhere in the background as the underwriters or financial engineers of the deal and they all are quoted at multiples of the real market value for a similarly structured deal.  In common language – it is wholesale theft from the people. While the ordinary citizens continue to be crushed under the heavy burden of huge increases in the cost of living, deteriorating real value of their wages and a 16% VAT; the kingpins in the cabal and their baron friends and relatives continue to make more and more money off the backs of those whom the regime has abandoned. How did we get here in 2013?  Why did we allow Guyana to descend to this level after Desmond Hoyte and Carl Greenidge started the process of economic recovery in 1989 and Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Dr Asgar Ally so ably pursued after 1992? The answer is Guyana has a very corrupt, greedy and selfish regime that will not stop until its members and their friends covet all of the country’s resources. We want all Guyanese to know that corruption and racial politics have made Guyana the second poorest country in the Caribbean after Haiti. This is why Guyanese are migrating en masse to all the Caribbean islands in search of work that this regime is unable to provide. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh
