Dem boys seh…De gold deh deep under Rob de Earth petticoat
Nuff things talking in de grapevine. Jagdeo and Rob de Earth creating a parallel government to Donald wan. When Donald plan something and think is he alone got de idea, Jagdeo and Rob de Earth does get all de information from this Israeli man who dem bring. He sit down quiet and listening to every, conversation that Donald and everybody else mek. That is how dem know that Donald gun kick some of dem. Dem boys ain’t calling name but de Israeli man and dem boys know. But that is nah all wha dem boys know. Dem know that Brazzy, de fat crook, ain’t give dem Berbice people from Number 76, light fuh many years. One man seh that de only time de people does see light is when is full moon. Brazzy and de Rat tek millions of US dollar and seh how dem gun spend it pun de Skeldon plant that would be capable of giving de whole Corentyne light. Dem boys ain’t know wha dem do wid de money but years now, de factory ain’t done and dem still ain’t got no light. Dem boys want dem show people when dem put de money—if dem put it in dem pocket or under dem family petticoat. De deal wha Rob de Earth sign wid Muri Brasil deh under he petticoat. He got de nerve to tell this nation that he never give de people any prospecting licence. Is de same thing he seh; he never apply fuh radio licence but he got five. He alone got brains. Dem boys want fuh ask he if when dem people spend all dem millions to survey and dem find all wha deh in de area if dem gun come out and seh Rob de Earth, “Point A got gold by de ton. Rob de Earth, Point B got diamond by de carats. Rob de Earth, Point C got rare earth. Tek Jagdeo, de fat crook, de shaat crook and you family and do wha you want. We gone.” De people stupid fuh come here and spend millions just fuh survey. And Guyanese must believe this, nah Rob de Earth? Talk half and watch Kwame digging deep under Rob de Earth petticoat fuh de gold.