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Mother, unborn baby die at GPHC – Relatives say doctors erred ‘big time’

September 8, 2014 8:05 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By: Leroy Smith

Dead: Evita Singh

Dead: Evita Singh

[] – Evita Singh, a mother of two, died early yesterday morning, two days after her unborn child died inside her while she was a maternity patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

iNews in an interview with the dead woman’s relatives on Sunday learnt that the 34 – year – old went into the hospital on Monday last and by Wednesday she had started experiencing problems while in the care of doctors at the institution.

The woman who was not ready to deliver, according to relatives, was being treated at the hospital for the symptoms of the Chikungunya Virus.

Relatives told iNews that the woman died as a result of severe internal bleeding brought on by six Cytotec pills which were inserted into her to induce labour even though she did not indicate that she was having labour pains.

It was reported by relatives that the dosage which were administered to the woman was way above the normal amount and according to persons who are familiar with the use of the pill which is also administered to animals, six pills are not even administered to an animal under no circumstances.

The pills reportedly caused the woman to bleed internally and burst the baby’s head and her internal organs. Her uterus was reportedly split into half; relatives say they were told by at least one doctor.

iNews was told that a health worker who was in the room between Thursday night and Friday morning when the woman began experiencing severe discomfort told relatives that the pills were given to the woman for her to deliver so that they can treat her for the Chikungunya Virus.

They said that the pills were administered because the doctors were not willing to perform a C-Section on the woman although they knew she did not have enough passage for the baby.

“Doctors were not willing to do a C-Section and when they finally realized that the woman was still having a hard time after they administered the pills they decided to cut her. But by that time, when the woman was taken to the operation room she could not be operated on since someone was already in the room and on the machine,” iNews was told.

Doctors reportedly told relatives that they realized that the baby’s heart rate had dropped but there was nothing that they could have done since they had to get the machine to operate on her and remove the child. They had to wait fifteen minutes and by that time the child was believed to have already died inside the woman.

Family members are not taking the death lightly since according to them they have evidence and witnesses who can prove that doctors were misleading them on the condition of the woman and the events leading up to her death.

They told iNews that one doctor who telephoned them on Friday morning when the woman went into her distress informed them that “their relative loose her baby because of carelessness and laziness;” pointing to the failure and reluctance of the workers on shift at the time to have the woman do a C-T scan.
