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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by asj:

Posted by Jalil 

6 hours ago


If yuh Talkin about Auntyman....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Young Brian & Kwame




 If yuh Talking about Black House of Israel Thugs...

PPP is #1

Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Bynoe, Witicka,






 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp during PNC 28 Years"...

PPP is #1

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Bynoe, Lamumba,



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem Thiefman & Scamp in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manniram, Nandalall, Irfan, Prya, Robert



If yuh Talkin about

Man chasing dem wife out de bedroom....

PPP is #1

Bharat, Manni, Rohee & Robert





 If yuh Talking about

Corruption, Crime & Scams...

PPP is #1

Hydro-Seed Project, Skeldon Factory,

Marriot Hotel, Specialty Hospital





 If yuh Talking about

"Bareface Thiefing"...

PPP is #1

Fip and the Hydro Project,

Alexi and De Internet Connection from Brazil

Robert and De Gold Smuggleing



  If yuh Talking about

"Dem New Thiefman  & Crooks in Govt since 1992"...

PPP is #1

Brassington, Kurshid Sattaur, Raj Singh,

Prem, Fuzzie & Leslie




If yuh Talkin about

Con Men who getting de Contracts....

PPP is #1

Bobby Ramsaroop, Brian Young,

 Brian Tiwari & Jerry Gouviea




 If yuh Talking about

Decent & Honest People

walking away from

Dishonesty, Thiefing & Corruption...

PPP is #1

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Ramkarran,

Boyo, Fazil, O'Lall





 If yuh Talking about

"Dem Bigtime Scam & Fraud

where people should be Jailed"...

PPP is #1

Clico Investment, Sandford Investment,

Jagdeo Helicopter, Skeldon Factory,

Hydro Project, Roger Khan Spy Computers



  If yuh Talking about

"Man who Promote,

Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery"...

PPP is #1

Rev Yuji, Councie, Skeldon, Cobra

The above enumeration makes no difference come election time. After the elections, Jalil will run and hide behind Kwame and Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery
