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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Burnhan use to say....No Big Thing....

One Door Shut ......another Door Open


PPP History

Comrades who left the PPP (1950- 1992)

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham -

Also Known as Odo/ Fatboy/Stinker


Hamilton Green


Dr Reid


Sydney King - Also Known as Eusie Kuyana.

 4th of July Fireworks



Dr Mohamed Sahabadeen


Ambassador Insanally


Martin Carter


Vincent Teekah


Ranji Chandlisingh


Mohamed Saffee


Halim Majeed


Mohamed Nissar


Balwant Singh Rai


Ravi Dev


Batoram Rambarrack


Prem Misir


Pandit Sharma




This is Just a few on the Very Long List



Comrades who Join the PPP

and Got Top Jobs at Freedom House

and at Office of the President...



Odinga Lamumba -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Kwame McCoy -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug

+ B@tty Boy


Hamilton -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Philip Bynoe -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug From Linden

+ Treason Accused

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Whiticka -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug



Edgehill -


Dangerous/Black PNC Thug


Manniram -

PNC city Councilor... Member of CREEP

+ B@tty Boy




Eddie Boyer

PNC Financer....

Son-in-law of PNC CIA Agent Richard Ishmael.


Kit Nascimento

PNC Communication Expert

Cover-up PNC Rigged Elections & Jonestown

American Cockroach Illustration 

Norman McClean

Burnham Chief of Security

Head of National Service

Head of The GDF

Involved in Stealing Ballot Boxes

Walter Rodney Murder



So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....

Between 1950 - 1992

And Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Between 1998 - 2015
