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Another home alone woman raped in


May 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

A Richmond Housing Scheme woman has lodged a report with the police at Anna Regina Police station indicating that she was raped. The police have so far been conducting investigations into the matter. One suspect was pulled in for questioning but has since been released. According to reports, the victim who is in her sixties was at her Richmond Housing Scheme home Tuesday night, when someone apparently invaded her house and proceeded to rape her. The woman was left with a scratch on her neck during a fight she had with her aggressor. A report regarding the recent incident was lodged with the police, at the Anna Regina Police station. They are currently pursuing the alleged incident. During last year and earlier this year, a number of women complained of being attacked by an intruder, who preys on women who live alone. A peaceful protest was organized by several women in Henrietta Village. They appealed to the police to exercise vigilance in an attempt to curb the distasteful issue where women were deprived of sleeping in their homes for fear of being attacked and raped. One La Belle Alliance man has since been charged for rape. He was on remand and has reportedly confessed to at least 20 incidences of rape.


