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Babbie—de Guyana King

May 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De Lion is de King of de Jungle and every kid knows that. He is a real, real bad man. He don’t mamaguy heself. De Great White Shark is de king of de ocean. All dem fish frighten him. Barack Obama is de king of de world and nobody don’t mess round he. And every country has a king. Guyana got a special king. King Babbie. He was born a king from de time he study medicine. He study that thing in all fashion, style and taste, right down to de prices. Dem boys did never know that this man is so big until dem see a full-page ad in de papers. De ad name him King Babbie wid he crown, de smile plus de look. When dem boys read that ad. Dem seh this man is de real king of Guyana. According to road talk, de man got it lack. De man lack radio, lack TV, lack cable, lack newspaper, lack cricket, lack drugs. He lack down Guyana. De only thing he lack is a wife fuh he best friend. De sudden growth to king mek all dem other king in Guyana get vex. Osafo King, who does mek up dem pages in de paper get suh vex when he had to put down de whole page ad that he get up and go away. De boss man had to beg he to come back and convince that he is de real king. When he come back, he refuse to tek de boss man word suh he call he uncle King. De uncle King call de King at de Ministry of Health, de one at de Ministry of Health call Alfred King. Alfred King get so confused that he call King from King’s Jewellery World. De whole thing was to find out how this Babbie tun King and none of dem nah know. Is when all dem King sit down and discuss this thing among demself is then dem realize that Babbie is de original King of Guyana. One of dem King seh wha he see that man got, and ten of he generations to come can’t come close to accumulate a quarter of wha he see that man got. Talk half and wait fuh de US pick him up so that dem boys could mek him dem queen.
