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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"


Tomorrow morn Elections dawn on Guyanese, and so far, I do not see any reasonable indication/s that the PPP/C will muster over 50 percent of the votes.


If I were to follow a trend over the years, what do I find?


In 1997 the PPP/C got 220,667 Votes

In 2001 the PPP/C got 210,013 Votes

In 2005 the PPP/C got 182,156 Votes

In 2011 the PPP/C got 166,340 Votes


Following the trends from above, there is no viable reason to assume that the PPP/C will muster more votes in May 11/2015.


Other reasonable phenomena to take into consideration, for the past five years or so, the cry of the Guyanese Population has never been so hot as to the thieving and Corruptions within the PPP/C.


Because of the above, sometimes I am at a loss to figure why would the Corrupt and thieving PPP/C now at this time where their Popularity has dwindled, muster more votes.


Another reason of importance, these pricks, even the President, Donald Duck and his PPP/C Ministers has been making promises, to left right and centre, and when time comes to fulfill same, they would not.


Finally come May 11th 2015, we all would know what to expect, unless of course the PPP/C would put all their goons (those PNC thugs) that they employs to work........and make this election a mirror to Burnham's type of Election.


Let the PPP/C knows that "Dem ah watch you"


53% for the APNU/AFC

And for the PPP/C a dismal 45-46%


