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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

A change is needed in the direction our country is going

May 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The elimination of Minister Ramsaran from the political landscape at this moment in time (even though he should have been sacked the same day he destroyed his political career), is not the end of this story because if the PPP wins , comrade Bheri will certainly be partially re-instated in a lower position. Check out Mr. Kellawan Lall, who, embarrassed himself and the PPP government, but was never penalized, became ambassador to Brazil, embarrassed us again, and is now home in Guyana, and on the PPP list of candidates – the post -Jagan era of the PPP is scandal-driven and devoid of discipline and devotion to the peoples’ welfare; when Jagan was in charge of the PPP, one never heard any scandals rocking that party’s core foundation. The point of the matter is that comrade Bheri was never up to the task of Minister of Health and everyone in the government and most health providers knew very well that Ramsaran was not capable of running such a complex ministry, even if his duties had been cut in half. The voters, women voters in particular, should wonder if Bheri Ramsaran’s boorish attitude is an isolated case in this government or whether, as the saying goes, “birds of a feather, flock together” and Bheri’s behaviour is accepted in the big shot hierarchy of the PPP. Furthermore, all voters should wonder about the calibre of persons who are given a ministry and do not perform well, with comrade Bheri as an example. Thus the most important questions: 1.What have Ministers Benn, Persaud, Nandlall, Manickchand and Sukhai done for us, the citizens of Guyana? Go and examine each of these ministers and their accomplishments and the voter would be shocked by what his taxpayer dollar has bought. 2. And as the saying goes – where’s the beef? Where are the benefits for us from their job performances? 3. Has Mr. Benn’s road and sea defence works bettered our lives; has Mr. Persaud’s policies protected our natural resources instead of creating havoc in our rich interior; has Mr. Nandlall’s policies bettered our legal framework where we have more easier access to find justice in our courts; has Ms. Manickchand’s tenure brought school buses for our children and hope for our university graduates; has Ms. Sukhai’s rule over the Amerindians relieved their poverty and protected their traditional lands ? The answer to those questions tells us who to vote for, if we can put aside our fears, our prejudices, our blind loyalties, and accept that a change is needed in the direction our country is going. Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)
