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Reply to "‘This country should be grateful to Janet Jagan’ -Jagdeo defends former president’s grant of hundreds of oil blocks to Exxon."

Princess Di posted:
yuji22 posted:
Princess Di posted:
ksazma posted:

Jagdeo has the ability to explain matters with much clarity and confidence. 

.  We need to protect him from overseas female vultures like the last time.  Good sir, we cannot allow our leader another such heart break.  Please Ksazma sir, please respect us for our brains.

Our dear Princess,

You are new to GNI, look at the Archives going back to the last election and see what Mitwah and the entire AFC gang were saying about the Honourable Bharat, you might cry when you read what they posted about him.

Bharat will take down the entire pack of PNC clowns any day of the week. He is a strong leader and will satisfy your niece if they get married.

Walk carefully at GNI and pick your friends very carefully.

Bharat is like a Demi God for those who love the PPP. Lots of envy exist at GNI for Bharat. Observe and learn who are pro and who are anti Bharat.

Your niece has set her eyes very high and I hope that she can get close to Bharat. There is no stopping him becoming President if he decides to run. The question is: Will he run for President again ?

BTW, you look pretty for your age. Amral is single, drop him a line every now and then. He is the boss around here and a rockstar, similar to Bharat, he is not political though.

Honourable and respectable Yuji. 

Oh my, thank you very much good sir Yuji22 for these kind words.  I wanted to reply this peaceful Sunday morning before I start my busy week.  Yes, good sir, I saw many envious and hateful posts on this site against the fine soul Hon Dr B. Jagdeo.  There is so much hate on this site but I try to promote love and understanding especially for Hon Dr B. Jagdeo.  I read good sir Django postings, he seem lacking in woman love and taking his anger out on our fine leader Dr Hon B. Jagdeo.  Good sir Mitwah seems a fine man but having some type of mental breakdown and I do pity him.  Good sir Yuji22, I believe all these haters have some problem and I will try to teach them love and understanding.  Good sir Yuji22, please sir you don't fight fire with fire.  Sir I am flattered by your proposal of good sir Amral but he is another hateful poster against Hon Dr B. Jagdeo.  He is like sir Django and needs a woman's love.  Sir I do have a fine gentleman in my life for the past 6 years.  He is only the second man in my life and hopefully the last.  I'm a stable woman bound by a stable relationship.  My niece is same as me, she will marry Hon Dr B. Jagdeo will bear a heir and bring much to him and Guyana.  She is in Guyana and knows him very well.  She is no fake foreigner like madame secretary.

Our dear Princess, you hit the nail on the head with your observations:

"Good sir Mitwah seems a fine man but having some type of mental breakdown and I do pity him.  Good sir Yuji22, I believe all these haters have some problem and I will try to teach"

"I read good sir Django postings, he seem lacking in woman love and taking his anger out on our fine leader Dr Hon B. Jagdeo."

Mitwah seems be be experiencing some type of mental breakdown with his personal issues which cannot be discussed at GNI. I hope that he can resolve his internal demons and get back on track.

Regarding Django, he once posted that he took a cow with calf but it may appear that the he took a butting cow.

Excellent observations our dear Princess. Glad to hear that you are in a wonderful relationship, Amral lost out on a pretty woman at GNI.

Guyana's two time democratically elected, most popular and loved leader:


A future third term is awaiting our Hero, dear Bharat.




Granger, Guyana's most unpopular leader at home and abroad, a hapless President. A man who missed the opportunity for uniting and building Guyana.




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