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Reply to "Thousands defy weather & Opposition boycott calls to show Jagdeo appreciation"

Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
These SHAMELESS PIGS insulting our POOR Guyanese People but cant say SHIT to the Elites like they PRETEND to be. They are nothing but NIMAKARAKS!!!!!
Quit the useless rant. Those chronically corrupt individuals in the PPP are indeed acting contrary to the interest of all of those people sitting in the bleachers. They are there no less than any group that acts against their self interest for a variety of reasons not limited to the fear tactic of the thought of the PNC boogieman coming to get them
FOOL, you know anything about PEOPLE POWER??

They say I am a womanise but I am woman lover. Dance with me let us celebrate this HISTORIC Day.
What have you demonstrated here to indicate you are smart? Two lines of useless repetitive speech does not cut it. People power was what Gadafi had only a month ago when they lined the streets of Tripoli and plastered a mile long banner with his face on it in their central square. The depth of that appreciation is made real now the same people are hunting him and he has taken refuge in a hole somewhere.
Where and when did I stated that I am smart? Al Yuh cant take the FIRE from this Canecutter who came to the US and became a Sewer Engineer!!!
you sound like you live in a sewer