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Reply to "Thousands welcome Guyana's soon to be PM Elisabeth Harper."

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You folks are truly lame if you believe this woman represents more than a place the PPP can hang the "importance" of black people. She is as useful to them otherwise as wisdom teeth.


Anything the PPP say they will do is what they deliberately neglected over their 23 years in office.

Only because she supports the PPP. Do you see Roger Luncheon in the same light too?

Nope, because that is the PPP's way. This lady squatted in a job where she was ostensibly the deputy and under his watch not one of our talented black people were ever given an overseas diplomatic post. What forward minded black person sits and not say anything in that situation. The reason she did not say anything is because she had absolutely no power to say anything.


What can she do for black people in an administration which is hardwired into a program of enrichment of friends, family and familiars who are of the same ethnic background? Not a damn thing.


As for Luncheon, I hope he croaks soon least he continue to look like the PPP's personal Sambo. The man is precisely what a talking head is defitionally.

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