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Reply to "Throwaway people in PPP Guyana . . . Pregnant woman with young child jailed for 4 yrs for $US600 marijuana stash"

Originally Posted by Cobra:

A pregnant woman should not be trafficking illegal drugs in the first place. If she expected to get leniency when she is caught due to her pregnancy, she is definitely putting her unborn child in danger. She needs to be responsible for her actions. 

She was not charged with trafficking but possession. I am also at a loss how the judicial system allow searches under these circumstances. No police should be allowed to enter anyone's home unless they have pressing need. The possibility that contraband may exist inside is not a pressing need.


In any event, the young woman should not be treated this cruelly when there is evidence from judicial systems all across the globe that these sentences do nothing to deter crime but forced counseling and community services does. Depriving a chile of its mother this young also is another un necessary burden on the state.


This is another instances as in the case of negotiated financial settlement in instances of rape that is judicially backward. It is truly backward that these things presently occur.
