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Reply to "TIME TO OPPOSE !!!!"

Perhaps, the army told them 'No!' because they feared.a US intrusion which would create a country more to US.liking! *"Lemme see.whuh kine uv hare yuh gat! Int strate?.Guh tuh de bak uv de linehup, bai! Yu.two, Granjah! Yuh rass playin Presidunce, nuh? We dun gat wan Presidunce! E naim Trumpit! Yuh nah ear e? Lowd an klare? Yuh mus bee deff! Whuh kine uh Presidunce yuh cud evuh bee? Ah deff maan whoo doan't lissen tuh.ahwee?"

* Translated into Guyanese creole!

Last edited by Former Member