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Reply to "To All PPP Supporters. You have lost the Election."

Originally Posted by Rev:


* The Guyana electorate made their choice. And over the next 5 years we'll see if the APNU/AFC coalition will do a better job of running the country than the PPP.


* There is an old saying, "winning an election is one thing, but governing is another."


* For now we'll wish the coalition great success.





I agree. 


Let us give APNU the first 100 days of Honeymoon and then be critical of policies etc.


My wish list for the first 100 days include (APNU Promises during the campaign)


A policy in fighting and reducing crime.

A reduction of VAT

A reduction of Berbice Bridge Toll

Increased wages 

Increase for pensioner.

A policy in dealing with Government awarded contracts. No friends of Politicians must be awarded contracts.


The big ticket items will then follow after 100 days.


KN is in the business of selling Newspapers, let us see how their relationship with APNU goes.


This will be an exciting five years.



