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Reply to "Today, Darkest Day in American History: Obama Officially Help USA Become Sodom & Gomorrah"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 All because gays were allowed to get married to other gays.

So here is where you get it wrong.


It's not about gays marrying gays.  It's about the removal of gender differences in the whole of society.


So Bruce Jenner is a macho man one day, and next day he is a woman, and we should not laugh.  That's normal?


Gays will now sue for anything they perceive as slighting them.  Like Pat Sajak had a man contestant on Wheel of Fortune who said he was getting married soon.  Sajak asked him who was the lucky girl?  Later, he had to make a public apology, because the man was homo and was offended.


The homo movement has become an in-your-face, pounce-on-you movement.Normal people are scared to say anything and the homos are on parade. Every TV show now promotes the homo agenda, and try to sanitize it as some human rights thing.  So don't drink the cool aid.  That's a wicked, wicked thing they did yesterday.
