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Top 10 Legendary Lost Worlds

Top 10 Legendary Lost Worlds

Written by Stephanie, Source


Notions of past grandeur have always captivated the human mind. The idea that we are the result of a long line of developments, and cultural transformations pulls us out of the prison of time and urges us to imagine what life would have been were we born in different times. Yet, a lot of civilizations and prosperous cities never made it into modern era, destined instead to fall as quickly as they rose. This is a list of 10 of the most breathtaking lost treasures of human civilization. Cities that were either destroyed, or abandoned, and all but forgotten, only to be rediscovered much later so we may marvel at their once magnificent stint at the helm of human progress.

Pavlopetri, Greece

While there is no strong evidence that the legendary city of Atlantis existed outside popular myth and folklore, many parts of the world have fallen prey to the ever changing wishes of the fickle mistress that is the Sea. Pavlopetri was a town of pre-Classical Greece that was settled in the Stone Age and persisted until approximately the tenth century BC, and is the oldest submerged town in the world. Archaeological in particular have taken a fond liking for the site, since the fact that it is submerged has presented a evocative case study of a civilization that has been very well preserved and not contaminated by the remnants left behind by the occupants who followed soon after. The existence of this site gets one thinking about how many such sites must exist around the world, as surely, sea levels have risen and fallen for thousands of years, and early human settlers have tended to stay at sites such as Pavlopetri - sites that have proximity to water sources and trade routes.





Under water ruins

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