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Reply to "Top 10 Legendary Lost Worlds"

Timgad, Algeria

Timgad was founded by emperor Trajan in the middle of the desert and yet it become a large vibrant trading city, and survived many ups and downs. It even went through a period where it was known as a center of Christianity after it was ransacked in the 2nd century and had to reinvent itself. It could not survive the 7th century sacking by the Vandals though - an event which led to its eventual abandonment. The desert sands then buried the city until 1881, when it was rediscovered. The rediscovered ruins offer a brilliant glimpse into Roman administrated cities in Africa. The magnificent Arch of Trajan still forms the gateway to the city, with other attractions including the baths and the temple of Jupiter that rivals the Roman Pantheon in size. An inscription in the forum reads : “To hunt, bathe, play games and laugh. This is life!”


Pillars of Timgad
