ohhh raaaaas chiefsta...what dat mean?
It's kind of difficult and long for me to explain.
Let me try, the villages that are located below Corriverton or Springlands bacically from No74 Village to No 43 Village is referred to as " Down de Coast"
Most of these villages were heavily populated with 99.% % iNDIANS excepting Nos 51 and 53 Village. Now Corriverton from where I am from was multi ethnic with every race. We had blacks, Indians, Chineese( Chooong cinemas)Amerindians, PPortugese and of course whites and douglas.
So we Corrivertonians used to call the Indians from that area "down de coast coolies" Bro they used to be mad. Yugi is from No 73 Village and almost every Indian from down de coast hated backs. There was no high school in their area so all came to Corriverton for schooling and we used to pund them. At #63 Village there was one high school.