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Django posted:

Sweet deals doesn't last for too long.


After oil was was found Maburro had no interest  in purchasing rice from Guyana.


!. Druggie fails to acknowledge that Guysuco was in deep trouble because of Jagdeo. Were Guysuco a profitable concern there would be no issues, but to expect a government to continue to bankroll losses is pure fantasy.  Druggie should blame his hero Jagdeo for that company's plight. It was in better shape when he inherited it but he put his clowns to run it and they ran it into the ground. The Skeldon factory was supposed to rescue Guysuco but Jagdeo's incompetence meant that it is killing it instead.

2. Cuba is in a sorry state because Venezuela can no longer bankroll it. If Venezuela can no longer send cheap oil to that island, where it enjoys a close Latin fraternal ties to, then why does Druggie think that they would send cheap oil?  Venezuela must sell its oil for hard cash to the highest bidder.  It can no longer afford to pay exorbitant prices for Guyanese rice.

These two issue are illustrations of what an incompetent manager Jagdeo was. Aside from filling his pockets and those of his friends he was of little use.

Druggie why is it that Guyana still depends on the sale of commodities that command lower prices than it costs to produce those products in Guyana?
