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Drugb posted:

PnC in charge now, they have to take accountability for the failing of the two industries. When in opposition they stated that they had the answers and even promised a turnaround of both industries once they gain control of the rice and sugar board. But alas, these jackasses were blowing hot air and not the country suffers as investors fleeing in droves. 

What investers are fleeing??,can you categorize.

The only one that flee was raping the forest and Guyana never benifited.

Bharat Jagdeo methodology of managing the country was not realistic,the focus was on two commodities rice and sugar,one commidity was sold at higher market prices and the other was bailed out by huge subsidies due to cost of production,that continued for years with no other areas of Agriculture expansion,the reality is Guyana is not being sought by manufacturing companies,it can't compete with other Asian countries.

The under the ground resources are there with no infastructure to tap in to it,the few extracting companies that are there are having steaks for dinner and bread crumbs are giving to the people,deals are signed to protect the world from the polution by the highly manufactring countries by conserving our forest and no one benefits,money for carbon credit sit in banks and are not released because they are dictating how that money should be spent,recall the overpriced "Amilia Hydro Project"

The booming housing market and infrastructre maintance was built with materials that were mostly imported while they can be produce locally,how can you fathom the importation of quarry stones and lumber.I can go on and on...

Guyana needs a reality check how can it maintain the current population of under 750,000,most that resides on a strip of land along the the Nothern coastland,what are needed to sustain the population,there are a few suggestion i have in mind,expand on other areas Agriculture that is our only savior currently,the land is there and  can feed the whole Caribbean,reduce unwanted imports,revive the local wood processing and quarry facilities.Encourage the population to buy local."America did it at one time" Reduce corruption run a clean government and lastly reduce the high salary of the gov't officials,if they love their country live a life what the country can afford.

"Cadillac lifestyles in Donkeycart Economy" are not real.

Politicians need to put their shoulder to the wheel if they have their country and people at heart.

Just my two cents,

have not expanded in massive development i can see that happen on the next 100 yrs.

Last edited by Django