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Reply to "Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016"

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

OK so some one other than me thinks that Trump was sent by Bill Clinton to destroy the GOP.

No way that a man like this will be president. The USA loves to pretend that it is post racial and that every one has equal access to opportunity, and need only work hard to succeed.  Open bigotry like this opens up a nightmare that most Americans would rather pretend doesn't exist.

Why is he racist?  He is on record disagreeing with that judge making a comment about Blacks going to Ivy League.  The fact that he is anti-illegal immigration and the fact that he if [rightfully] suspect of Muslims does not make him racist.

Many Blacks suffer due to illegal immigration.  I have a couple of Afro Guyanese friends who have lil auto repair, lawn-care and handyman businesses.  They do good work but always get undercut by people using cheap illegal Mex and other immigrant.  I asked them about the politics and they think controlling illegals will afford them a better living.  I'm sure this could be multiplied 10's of thousands of times all over the US.  Diamond and Silk sees this!

Trump said Mexicans.  He further stated that they are rapists and criminals when statistics show that undocumented immigrants from Mexico are LESS likely to engage in criminal behavior than are native born Americans.  THIS is what marks him as a racist.

Then he screamed that blacks who are advocating for fair treatment by the criminal justice system should go back to Africa, even though 75% of American blacks descend from people who were brought hear BEFORE the USA declared its independence. Why do these people NOT have the right to advocate for fair treatment by the police and the courts?


Do you know that there is net migration BACK to Mexico? Illegal immigration from Mexico ceased to be a problem since 2008.

So why his screams about illegal migration when that is NOT the biggest problem faced by the white working class.  And why doesn't he address the REAL problem.  Employers who hire people who they shouldn't hire. Will Trump advocate heavy sanctions for companies which do this.

I am still awaiting evidence from you that Trump has loads of blacks in senior management in his corporation.  The proof is in the pudding.  If he doesn't then clearly he doesn't think that blacks are capable.

Trump  is catering to the racial paranoia of a declining segment of the white population.  Rather than looking at the REAL PROBLEMS that these people face, he fools them to pandering to their innate bigotry. 

Poor whites were sold a bill of trash by rich whites.  They were told that being white is a precious asset, and that poor whites should support the actions of rich whites, even when these actions were AGAINST the interests of poor whites. Poor whites then scapegoat blacks, immigrants, and now more recently Muslims, for their problems. 

Trump panders to this, and is now rewarded with support from white supremacists. When these hooligans have attacked blacks, or people who they perceive to be Hispanic or Muslim has he condemned this?  Not loudly enough.
