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Reply to "Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016"

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump will ensure that the benefits of America goes to people who live legally in America.  Illegals are one of the reasons healthcare is so expensive.  They can show up in any hospital and get good care with the taxpayers end up footing the bill.  Same for other services.  I could never figure out how these people get food stamps and eat better than the middle class who work to buy their food.  The system is broken.  Trump will fix it.

THat illegals burden the healthcare system is bunk. I do not know how an illegal person burden the welfare system. Most of the people on welfare are from southern states who are mainly GOP supporters. These are the ones conned to voting against their interest by panderers to their latent ethnic fears. It is statistically impossible for trump to become the President.

U just doan understand their rights. And statistics are assumptions. I do hope Trump wins. For America, that hope is a necessity. Otherwise, White people will loose control of their country to fools. And these fools will never send their children off to war, like the White People do to empower idiots to speak trash about them.
