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Reply to "Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016"

seignet posted:
U just doan understand their rights. And statistics are assumptions. I do hope Trump wins. For America, that hope is a necessity. Otherwise, White people will loose control of their country to fools. And these fools will never send their children off to war, like the White People do to empower idiots to speak trash about them.

White people will loose control of their country to fools.

Seig Heil !!!! The US is not that country of the 1950's you fantasize about.

Hello, come in to the 21st century and see how those coal-mining and factory jobs are no longer in America. White people used to be dominant in those industries. Is that the "loose control" you're wailing about?


Have you seen the innovators in Silicon Valley and the bio-med corridors in Massachusetts? A lot of them don't look white. 


caribny said it right with this - Poor whites were sold a bill of trash by rich whites.  They were told that being white is a precious asset, and that poor whites should support the actions of rich whites, even when these actions were AGAINST the interests of poor whites. Poor whites then scapegoat blacks, immigrants, and now more recently Muslims, for their problems. 

The thing is Seig-Heil-with-the-Nazi-salute seignet, you are not even white trash. If you believe in your color heirarchy of superiority among the races, you black-ass-trash is even worse!



