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Reply to "Trump is no Racist - BET Founder"

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:

Here you go craving attention. How come you always seem to be present or met someone who is a VIP? Like said before, you tell some tall stories or you are very economical wit the truth. Did you get a blow job from any young indian(is it a buck girl?)? When is your reign of telling tall stories going to come to an end?

Craving what attention? with an alias? I know Ramesh and his brother though I never liked or associated with the latter.  Ask Nehru and your friend Cobra if you think I am wrong because they still mass in numbers at the local clubs. There used to be whore houses in Parsons full of Guyanese girls. There are also lots of drug fiend Guyanese girls on the prowl in the area. And No I never ever had a guyanese girlfriend much less guyanese Indian girlfriend since Guyana. Not that stupid.


The first time I saw a sign telling people not to bring their guns into a club was in one of those Guyanese Indian clubs near Hillside Ave.

Evidently folks got drunk and then gunfire began.

Baseman to keep on pretending as if Indians are superior to others. They come just like the rest of us. Some nice, some not so nice, and some down right nasty!
