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Reply to "Trump lawyer calls Bolton book 'inadmissible,' as defense team wraps impeachment arguments"

The Truth is that the Democrats announced to the American People that they had an overwhelming case for impeachment and then Trump lawyers ripped their baseless case.

Schiff then tried to move the goal post by demanding on a witness after a LEAK.  Here goes the Democrats with their usual BS.

This hoax was started as now being reported by the Media by an aide to Biden and who was declared “whistleblower”. How disgraceful is that ? It is not by accident that Schiff tires to defend the Biden’s because his case falls apart if this information was to be released. 

The corrupt nature of the Biden’s was in full display as his son made millions just because his dad was VP and they failed to investigate a very corrupt company. The stench of their corruption was unbearable to watch as the lawyers revealed the extent to which the Biden’s operated. Have the Democrats no shame to defend this level of corruption ?

They brought the case, brought the wrong articles and lost. Period. Case closed. 

CNN and their antimen were crying last night because like the Mueller investigation which cleared the President, this was another carefully and deliberately planned hoax to remove a democratically elected president and like the Muller hoax, this was also ripped apart and exposed for what it is. 

Nancy was right with her instincts about not going for impeachment but the left wing of the Democrat party wanted to overthrow this president at all costs.  Well, They got what they deserved. Failure. 

A successful impeachment depends on bipartisan support. It went to the senate totally partisan. It was doomed from the very beginning. 

The Democrats just handed Trump another term and Schiff and his team of clowns bear full responsibility for this failure. I predict that the Democrats will eventually start an internal squabble.

Trump is now ahead in Iowa beating all Democrats according to the latest poll. Democrats are nervous and rightfully so. Imagine drawing massive crowds larger than before being elected. Speaks volumes at the anger towards the Democrats. 

Bernie is gaining momentum and if the Democrat party gives him a raw deal like they did in the past then the fallout will hand Trump an even bigger victory. Knowing  how the democrats are prone to repeating mistakes, I can see this occurring again.

This election is all about Trump. He has momentum and that’s what matters in politics. The Democrats are doomed if they present the corrupt Biden’s as their Presidential candidate. If having calls for For locking up Hillary was not enough watch Republicans unleash on the corrupt Bidens.

Conservatives are having a field day as the Democrats stumble and trip over again ! 
This is fun to watch !

Last edited by Former Member