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Reply to "Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much'"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is repealing Obamacare.  And he should.

You're yet to explain why.

When Trump and Obama had their meeting, Obama asked him not to repeal Obamcare because that is his legacy.  Trump said he couldn't do that but as a token of respect he would not repeal two of the provisions.  One of them is that parents can keep their children under their health insurance plan until age 26.

Still waiting for an answer. But to your point, Washing swamp reality hit Trump, plus his daughters input. They are North-East Liberal New Yorkers who will fight tooth-and-nail with Ryan and McConnell to get the empty parts of Trump's mind. Just like Cheney and Rumsfeld fought for G. W. Bush's empty political mind. I think his daughters will win out.

It is not out of respect that Trump likes the 26-year old on parents' coverage and pre-existing being covered. He liked these all alongh. What he said in this campaign is what you're echoing - Obamacare is an absolut disaster and I'll repeal it on day one. Remember the physical wall which is now a Trump metaphorical and virtual wall? Hehehe.

Trump was totally mesmerized talking to Obama for the first time in person. that's who the man is. Watch Obama and reality claim some of that space in his head too.
