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Reply to "Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much'"

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

you saw Obama continuing much of the Bush's policies despite all campaign promises. 

Which ones did Obama keep?

This is public information, and this is just one website, there are many other with the similar information.

Obama continued Bush’s tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, No Child Left Behind, the bailouts, Medicare expansion, Guantanamo Bay, NSA, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and drones. Not a single one of those changed when Obama took office and only the Iraq war has been ended since. Every other one has been continued until this very day. Those were all original Bush administration policies, and in fact there’s hundreds more. The list goes on and on but those are some of the most substantial ones that many Democrats had opposed during Bush’s presidency. And nearly all of Bush’s policies continued under Obama up to the present.


They opposed it during his presidency, but as soon as Obama was elected that opposition dried up. Even though most of those were only law for a few years and could have been changed if Obama really wanted to. The Democrats gave up on that Hope and Change talk in January ’09 after seeing Obama’s lack of will to follow through. He had a Democrat controlled House and Senate so he could’ve passed whatever bills he wanted to. But he didn’t want to do that. He chose not to repeal or replace anything Bush had done. The Democrats wanted the power that Bush had accumulated just as much as he did originally. Once the government gets power they’re very unlikely to ever give it up.

That’s why it’s so important not to give the government anymore power. If you vote for a Republican or Democrat that’s all they’re going to do. They’ll take more power, and take away more liberty. They’ll continue all the policies of their predecessors at our expense.

