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Reply to "Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much'"

Trump likes certain aspects of Obamacare, the same parts even the Republicans said they have to retain.  Clearly Trump wants to show some respect to the president and there are parts of ACA which needs to be considered.

However this does not change the fact that for many in the Middle, costs have sky-rocketed out of control and a big reason for his win.  So, in respect to the first Black president's legacy, he will retain the parts which are popular but rectify the parts that are squeezing the middle class!

The Republicans have a plan to "replace" Obamacare, but they admit, some attributes they will retain!  This is nothing new!  The Republicans want to remove the uninsurable from the pool and place them on an expanded Medicaid leaving the insurance Cos to handle the rest of the population.

Funny this old clown D_G living on Socialized State healthcare system in Canada telling us here about Obamacare.  Why don't you stick to Canada's issues!

Last edited by Former Member