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Reply to "TRUMP: Major decision within 24-48 hours to strike Syria for chemical attack on civilians"

ronan posted:

Pete Townshend and The Who . . . still topical:

don't get fooled again . . . this is an old game:

and, drill further back, the campaign to evict Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in the 1st Gulf war was just, but we must never forget this:

This was because after George H. W. Bush became president, he was being seen as a wimp. He needed something big to shake that wimp stigma and they baited Saddam into invading Kuwait. The killing babies in incubators was how they whipped the UN into the frenzy to vote for military actions. I don't think the UN resolution was passed to HW went with a coalition using Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as the justification. Same thing the son did when they lied to the UN about Saddam had WMD and we know how that turned out. But Saddam was stupid for taking the bait in 1990 and he eventually paid with his life for it. Since then Iraq has been a hellhole. Same with many other parts of the Middle East. They are blessed with stupid leaders who does them no good.

Except for Iran. Iran has always had a more structured system which keep the country somewhat stable. I believe that is why there is always the constant drumbeat about Iran. The goal is to destruct the Iranian structure which is unwise. Israel has no right attacking any of Iran's property. There is no credible proof that Iran is guilty of what Israel claims. And given that Israel is the biggest bully in the Middle East, they have even less of a right. Except that we blindly allow them to carry out their threats against the rest of the Middle East.
