White ppl have rights too.
And the Supermacist is the individual who speaks for the closet white bigots, world wide.
I wouldn't put any credence on all dem white ppl running around claiming that they are liberal, tolerant and love muslims, jews, hindus and blacks.
Just examine what they have done where their boats ferried them.
It was White ppl who gave Trump the Presidency and if he should prove to them that America is indeed invaded by intolerable immigrants and refugees, then White ppl in America will all be supremacist.
Trump is in American history for particular reason. It is no accident he became President. With all the loud mouth bad mouth Obama lambaste him with, by some mysterious trane of events, he failed to energise his black base and White ppl prevailed.
Alyuh watch out massa days coming back fuh yuh all who is visting America.