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Reply to "Trump says he will pardon Dinesh D'Souza, an Obama critic who violated campaign limits"

ksazma posted:
Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:

I do not know which World you live in but you are the last person to speak of integrity, morals and fairness.

You don't know me and I don't know you.  In my world, any koolie who goes out of their way to humiliate and degragate other koolies so as to use them as a stepping stone to get up in society is a koolie dog of the lowest kind in my eyes.  Preet Bharataata can go and lick my brown boot.

What if that koolie is a crook and Preet is holding him accountable for his crookedness? Both Dinesh and Baldeo are crooked koolies and Dinesh is lucky all he got was probation.

I will not be surprised in the least if it turns out that Preet Bharataata has a deep stinking hate for Hindus.  Hindus are all about fighting each other, backstabbing each other and crabdogging each other.  They are no match for a united Sikh brotherhood ruthless society climber like Preet Bharataata.  Preet Bharataata can go kiss my brown Hindu behind.

