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Reply to "Trump tells Democratic women of colour to leave U.S. in 'racist and disgusting' tweets"

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump is hated in New York but he is loved in places like Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and North Dakota.

If DeBlasio is the Democratic Presidential candidate, Trump wins New York. Don’t forget the Wall Street millionaires just got richer.  They are not going to settle for a left wing radical as their president.

The Democrats will be crushed with their rush to the Left!!   Too many dejected Socialist immigrants from failed states like Guyana wagging the Donkey.  Dem trying to create a mess in America like they did in Guyana!

Where should they rush?/...right into the Nazi camp? You idiots grab on to media catch phrases without grasping the underlying reasons for the distortions and cry as socialist and communist.  The progressive wing of the democratic party is asking for fair taxes, universal health care, free education up to college and fair and equally in salaries. Wall street took 6 trillion ( 9 trillion if you add up the loss of the crash) for the top one percent. What good do they do? Most of the nations jobs are created in the area of small businesses.  Every economic spurt in this nation came from democratic regimes. Trump already has us in huge deficits with no great great spurts to show for it. His idea of millions and millions of jobs and business relocating here is just wishful thinking. Most Americans cannot go beyond a couple of paychecks.
