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Reply to "Trump tells Democratic women of colour to leave U.S. in 'racist and disgusting' tweets"

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump is hated in New York but he is loved in places like Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and North Dakota.

If DeBlasio is the Democratic Presidential candidate, Trump wins New York. Don’t forget the Wall Street millionaires just got richer.  They are not going to settle for a left wing radical as their president.

So the wall street  template the basis for selecting a president! What nonsense. In the past they controlled the money and the incubating of politicians. That has reversed since everyone these days measure success by how many small donors they have as that not only correlates to huge sums not even wall street can afford but numbers of supporters. 

I do not know what left wing means in your nomenclature but if right wing means trump then we understand the reality of a small minded bigot who is lacking in any historical understanding, grasp of foreign relations and is doing more harm to this country than any other president ever did. 

Steve Mnuchin, the man responsible for driving policy that ripples through to the stock market hitting 27,000 last week for the first time in history is a Wall Street man.

Bibi Haniffa