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Reply to "TRUST..."

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

One way to tell if they are frauds is if they are unemployed and claim they are using money for charity.  People who give honestly, don't talk about it and broadcast themselves.  When people have empty pockets and claim they are giving money to people it really gives for a good laugh.

They actually do, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Zukerburg, etc do announce their charity works.  Donors' names are on donor lists and they take a tax deduction.  Many people do highlight their philanthropic work/efforts as part of their public profile.

Charitable work is done by those with the time and drive to stick with it.  It's not for the faint of heart as dealing with authorities and institutions and people in need are not simple when you do things properly and thoroughly.

RHI was successful because one family member dedicated the time and effort and the other members funded!  None of the initial funding was sought from the public!

Rather than Tola posting links to others' handy work, I call on him to publish his handy work!

Well, obviously we can't get Tola to publish his handywork.  Please publish yours.  We want to see.

Who needed to know were well informed.  You are on my FB page, so go see the projects in India, all the pics are there.  As for Guyana, ask the administrators of RHI, they have the details if you are so interested!
