Drugb posted:caribny posted:So why then did he scream at Granger for not bringing it up when Granger met the British. Blacks voted Granger in and NO black person of note criticized Granger for not raising reparations.
I of course note your normal racism directed towards blacks. You then wonder why you are known as the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK with Bibi, yuji, skeldonman and others being your disciples.
Note what some black Americans are doing. Not that long ago your were screaming that all they can be are criminals and welfare dependents.
Druggie as much as you privately cry about the mediocrity of your life fooling yourself that you are superior to blacks isn't going to solve your problems.
Jagdeo is a politician, he will sell his soul if the opportunity is there to get votes.
I am not racist towards Blacks, I merely hold them to the same standards as Indos. Pull yourself up by the boot straps and stop depending on entitlements. It is not a sustainable strategy for the development of the race on a whole.
You are a congenital racist to the core.