Drugb posted:caribny posted:Drugb posted:A little better than the YLAI scholarship, but still Indos are under represented with only 2 out of 13. Most are Afros once again, 10 Afros and 1 Portuguese. And you people still claiming that Indos are not marginalized in Guyana, even by the British?
Well according to you Indians are all wealthy so why do they need scholarships? Only those blacks, whose parents can only sell plantain chips so are dirt poor, should get them.
Druggie here is the deal. The British and the Americans saw all of those Indians heading just about everything during the PPP era so decided to give blacks a chance to catch up.
You know you all will enslave every black and toss them out of every leadership slot when your hero Jagdeo takes over again in 2020. He is presently taking lessons from the white supremacists so Indo supremacy will return then.
As I mentioned previously, the British and Americans are on a guilt trip. They will award scholarships to Blacks out of guilt for their enslavement and maltreatment even today. I hope that the Blacks will use these opportunities wisely and uplift themselves and successive generations.
The point I want to make is these Black awardees are not there due to merit but rather entitlement.
Many of failed to recognize this important point.
I am also hopeful that they use these opportunities wisely to uplift themselves otherwise they will end up fete, sport, win down and live only for today.
Anyone from Corriverton can confirm this:
Burnham built a housing scheme in Scottsburg exclusively for Blacks. After a few years, the place deteriorated and became a crime haven since no Indo could pass the area at night without being robbed.
Many who lived in the housing scheme were given cushy government jobs. This is an example of what DrugB is highlighting.
I want to see ALL Guyanese uplift lives and make use of great opportunities.
Skelly can also confirm this.