yuji22 posted:Look at the multitude of filthy rich Indo Guyanese in Canada and USA.
Compare that to any other group of immigrants who progressed so quickly.
Why don't you show statistical evidence of this? The data that I see for NYC shows that Guyanese are LESS entrepreneurial than are Jamaicans and more likely to drop out of school. Their household median incomes are comparable to that of Jamaicans. Their educational attainment levels are no better.
Now unless you can prove that Afro Guyanese are considerably worse off than are Jamaicans we are left with the conclusion that Indo Guyanese in NYC are NOT better off than are black Caribbean immigrants. Consider that they are likely to face less racism than will black Caribbean people, so should be doing much better, but it doesn't appear to be the case.
Now note a statistical quirk. Indo Guyanese households have more adults (fewer single earners and more adult kids at home). This will suggest to me that salaries earned by EACH INDIVIDUAL worker might even be LOWER.
Now scream about the 20 "filthy rich" Indo Guyanese who you know. Start with Ed Ahmad! Yes "filthy" is the right word to use.