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george dasilva posted:

Serve Jagdeo and the rest of the crooks right.All those rural coolie crooks now running the PPP too fas,they want to see how negroes sport after all the only sporting that the PPP crooks know about is jhandi in the rumshops everyday.

The PPP bhariat should have been thrown out of the sport,serve them right.Dont talk about protocol.If these nemakharams cared about the plight of East Indians they would not have attended this negro ceremony but as usual they care more about themselves than anything else.

As mentioned many times in conversations that Jagdeo and the other musahar coolies running the PPP are not fit to rule even a village.It is not in their genes,genes dictate that the only thing proper for them to do is mining cow,planting rice and running saltgoods shop.Even in running salt good shop they will try to rob the customers so as to get rich on the backs of the poor.Let Jagdeo and his merry band of crooks revert to mining cow.Forget about countrywide politics,go into  heading some group no bigger than a village panchyat

Negroes and other races confuse Indians from the rural areas,they have not a clue how to deal with other races hence the quick sprint to the jhandi in the rumshop every afternoon.The negroes know how to bully them because they know that country coolies like Jadeo and his mery crooks are timid and are afraid of them hence the bullying by Hamilton Green and the other no goods.Many more examples can be shown how the negroes left them without ball knowing that the negroes will turn around and laugh at them as balless coolies

OK reading this I now begin to understand the plight of the brown KKK.

This wreaks of deadly self hatred.  And like they say, if you don't like yourself you hate every body else.
