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Reply to "Uncle Freddie Bashes Indians Again. This "Academic" Says Indians Support PPP Because They Hate Black People."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Et tu D2? Are you of all people gonna jump on this intellectually lazy and feeble minded bandwagon of "Indians are all just insufferable racists"?



How come blacks are so powerful in Guyana if they control every thing as you and Jay Bharat scream.  If blacks were powerful the PPP would have to negotiate with them, and would have to be aware of and have strategies to deal with the African ethnic angst.


But Africans are NOT powerful because they don't have an economy.  They are in the main mid and low level workers.  They have no source of power to force others to recognize them.  Indeed they are so powerless that blacks will be paid by Indians to shoot down other blacks.


Any Indian who thinks that Indians can live in an ethnic bubble and ignore other ethnicities, and not strategize how to build bridges to others who are desirous of working with them, are institutional racists.  Institutional racists because the cannot think beyond mono racial domination of governance and of the economy.


I will ask those who think like this.  How long can they exclude other ethnic groups.  How long can they insult other ethnic groups.   Don't they understand that this creates a backlash.


So what happens when Indians are 35% of the population and have convinced others that they are an ethnically exclusive group who don't care the slightest about others?

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