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Reply to "Uncle Freddie Bashes Indians Again. This "Academic" Says Indians Support PPP Because They Hate Black People."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is becoming clearer by the day that Indians should not deliberately place themselves at the mercy of people who hate them.


We should at least refuse to consent to our destruction.

You don't seem to understand that as Indians continue to live in an ethnic bubble, excluding others, generating the notion that they are racist and clannish, and not to be trusted.  As they shrink in numbers (maybe 35% by 2020 and maybe 40% of the voters).........they risk exactly that.


Now an intelligent man like you will know.


1. Not every Indian can leave Guyana, or even wants to.


2. In a multi ethnic society a collection of minority groups, which Guyana clearly is, can only survive and thrive to the extent that there are bridges connected these groups,  with a level of trust.


So how does Jagdeo screaming apaan jhat, and making the African look like a demon, help Indians when the mixed and African group becomes much larger?
