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Unhappy coalition voter...

Filed Under: FEATURES, LETTERS Interesting that Nagamootoo sees nothing wrong with breach of Accord June 12, 2015 By GuyanaTimes Dear Editor, I am forced to write you on the recent revelations in the Guyana Times newspaper in relation to the chairmanship of the coalition cabinet. I must admit that my family and I did support the coalition in the just concluded elections. Our support was based on the terms of the agreement which I thought distributed the powers of Government in a way that would see a better more united Guyana. It is now interesting to know now that Mr Nagamootoo sees nothing wrong with the breach of the agreement. He sees nothing wrong now with him not chairing cabinet or the many other aspects of the agreement being breached. Are we going to see a repeat of the UF and PNC coalition? Mr Nagamotoo, everything is wrong with a breach of the agreement, unless you don’t care about the many who voted for the coalition based on the agreement. Is it that power is now the essence and in this case, personal power. Mr Nagamootoo’s dismissal of the breach of this agreement is arrogant and shows little regard for people like my family who believed in the letters and words of that agreement. Mr Nagamootoo cannot see the wrong because he is now blinded by the glamour of the office he now occupies. Sadly people like myself and already sealed our faith when we voted on May 11. God bless Guyana and hopefully just hopefully one day our dear country will be blessed with a genuine third force that can bring real balance to our political system. Ally Mohamed

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