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Reply to "VANITY out of control!! Freddie Kissoon is so far gone . . . he doesn't even realize that he is exposed with no underwear in his latest 'political' tilt at the Coalition . . . fella needs an intervention, smh"

sachin_05 posted:

If you were familiar with the term 'pork barrel' [look it up] you would know Freddy has a right like any other supporter to collect for his political favors to oust the PPP...

The difference is that Freddie stated unequivocally that he is NOT interested in political favors. Freddie is being rhetorical to point out that the AFC got into office and became part of the PNC that didn't care for or know how to govern. This fool is seeking to traffic a rhetorical statement from Freddie in his straw clutching effort. Meanwhile the illegal Coalition is still sitting on their asses as their time runs out on September 18, 2019.

Goring said that at a gathering of AFC people on the very spot, one of the most trusted lieutenants of Khemraj Ramjattan told the group why the AFC has not established contact with me. He said Ramjattan told him now that the AFC is in power, Freddie Kissoon wants the AFC to come to him, but the same Freddie Kissoon used to come to Ramjattan when we were in the opposition and would ask him for favours.

I was angry. There and then, I asked Carlyle to ring Ramjattan’s aide at the ministry, Dianne Rajkumar, for me to talk to Ramjattan. I am not going to name Ramjattan’s lieutenant that said so, but I know he is very close to Ramjattan, and is indeed someone whose activism Ramjattan relies on. Those who want to know his identity can ask Goring. I am not going to get a libel writ.

I never asked Ramjattan for any favour when we were in the opposition.
