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Reply to "Vickram Bharrat - New MP"

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ramson will be back after his studies to strengthen the Bharatiya Bureau. We like them young and strong.  Tall, lean, and handsome also helps. 


Why do I get a hunch that this boy looks like Bharrat Jagdeo's unknown son? Look at dat face closely. Lemme calculate someting: BJ is 52 years old and dis bai is 36 years old. Suh BJ was 16 years old when dis bai born. Arrighty...I must not stretch my imagination. 

This story worse than that story that BJ is Cheddi son. Ayuh really getting confused with this Bharrat/Bharat/Berret thing now.  But you are right about the looks.  Lil familiar nah? 

Bibi Haniffa