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Vishnu you know about protocol.... can you hookup bharat with a bottle Limacol....

Jagdeo no show at PPP independence rally

May 28, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

… was to be one of the main speakers

The grand March and Rally at the Port Mourant Train Line Dam as part of the National Independence activity planned by the PPP/C attracted a smaller than usual crowd.

Former President Donald Ramotar speaking at the Rally at the independence rally.

Former President Donald Ramotar speaking at the Rally at the independence rally.



Two weeks ago the party was attracting mammoth crowds.


On Tuesday a few hundred people were in attendance.


Former President Donald Ramotar and a slew of former Cabinet members and PPP/C were present, too. Among them were Clement Rohee, Anil Nandlall, Dr. Ashni Singh, Robeson Benn,  Zulficar Mustapha,  Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo of the Berbice Regional Health Authority, Fizal Jafarally of NCN, Adrian Anamayah , Dr. Vishale Sharma, Africo Selman and Peter Ramsaroop.


Notably absent was former President Bharrat Jagdeo who only the day before was hauled before the Whim Magistrate’s Court after the Magistrate had threatened to issue a warrant for his arrest on a racial incitement charge.


That charge was brought by Attorney at Law, Accountant and Social Activist Christopher Ram.


Jagdeo was subsequently banned from leaving the country without the permission of the court.


The people first marched from Albion and Whim to converge at Port Mourant for the rally at the Train Line dam.


Among the speakers were Ramotar, Rohee, Nandlall and Selman.


Jagdeo was touted to be one of the main speakers however he was conspicuously absent. 


The organizers, when asked, said that Jagdeo had to attend to an emergency.....and was still in the toilet farting.


One of his colleagues at the rally stated that he was too embarrassed to face the crowd despite assuring them the day before outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court that he would be there and will be addressing a number of issues.


The group plans to go into Parliament and continue fighting for a recount of the votes both within and out of National Assembly.


The party also plans to contact International Agencies most of whom have already announced that the recently held National and Regional elections were free and fair.

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